Dargah e Gaffaria

urus-e-shareef 2010

Urs-e-shareef was held on 31/3/2010.

On Wednesday early in the afternoon urs-e-shareef programme started.
It is a practice of Desciples who come to the shrine to cook food , sweets and perform Aesal thawab on Buzurgaane Darga-e-Gaffaria from the time  of where HIS HOLINESS SYEDI ALSHAIK DASTAGIR SHA KHA DRI RADIALLAHU TAALA ANH.  Almost all the devotes took part as the khalifas of HIS HOLINESS Sufi saint SYEDI AL SHAIK ZAHIRUDDIN SHA KHA DRI hifzullahi taala  participated in Aesale Thawab programme. DAAWATE-AAM was also held on URS day . This programme finished by 3 pm.
In the after noon, after Namaze ASR , Bulls from different places participated in a contest, where in their power was tested and owner of the best pair was awarded prize money. As major disciples of the shrine were farmers this event was held to make them happy.
By the evening, lot of people gathered in for URS. Uncontrollable people and traffic was out of control . All the trains and buses to the town were full. All the roads leading to Shrine were full. Inside the darga ground the situation is unexplainable. Full of people with almost no space left. But thanks to the Police department for  controlling the traffic by imposing traffic restrictions on urs and sandal days.
All political party leaders of the district made a point to visit the shrine and were all in praise of the unity and integrity of the desciples of the shrine known for.
As the sunset, as the time passed unbelievable number of people turned out for Qawwali.
This urs celebrations are also famously known for its qawwali.

Nizami brothers of Delhi and Saleem sabiri of Rajasthan took part in SAMA (qawwali) programme. Qawwali is conducted for 2 days i.e on Sandal day and on Urs day. However on sandal shareef day people throng alongwith sandal shareef, hence on URS day main attraction is SAMA programme.
The qawwals moved the hearts with beautiful rendering of kalam  on HAMD, NAAT ,MANQABAT  and SUFIANA KALAM.
Khalifas of HIS HOLINESS ALHAJ Sufi saint SYEDI AL SHAIK ZAHIRUDDIN SHA KHA DRI hifzullahi taala viz    SHA MOHAMMED DASTAGIR KHA DRI, SHA MOHAMMED KHADER MOHIUDDIN KHA DRI and others joined the sama around 12:45 am. While they were approaching the stage people were thronging to see them, to touch them thereby getting the blessings. Thanks to GAFFARIYA  YOUTH they formed human chains on both sides of Khalifas and escorted them to stage. Both qawwals took blessings of the Khalifas and witheir Ijaza started sama. Janab Saleem sabiri started the Natia sufiana kalam “MOHAMMED KE SHEHR MEIN” and was appreciated by the khalifas and people around. Later janab Nizami brothers beautifully rendered sufiana kalam “MERA PEER BADSHA HI ,GAFFAR BADSHA HI ,  ZAHIR BADSHA HI” captured all the hearts. Khalifas bestowed the qawwals with hadiya, the murideen , the common people, devotees all were  moved by the kalam. People were in to tears, wajd and almost all people felt a state of spiritual ascension. The presence of khalifas was a prime factor in the success of SAMA.
Later at around 4 am khalifas return back to the residence of present sajjada nasheen HIS HOLINESS Sufi saint SYEDI AL SHAIK ZAHIRUDDIN SHA KHA DRI hifzullahi taala.
Inshallah I shall try to include qawwali clips in the same post.
With this URS e shareef concluded.