Dargah e Gaffaria

Tag: shahadat

Ameer al-Mumine​en Sayyiduna Ali al-Murtuda Radi Allahu Taala Anhu

  HIS POSITION IN THE SILSILA: Ameer al-Momineen, Asadullahil Ghalib, Haidar-e-Karaar Hadrat Sayyiduna Ali al-Murtuda Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anhu are the second Imam of the Silsila Aaliyah Qaadiriyah Gaffaria BLESSED NAME: His name is Ali and is known as Abu al-Hassan and Abu Turab and his titles are Murtuda, Asadullah and Haidar-e-Karraar. HIS FATHER: His […]

Virtues os Sayyed-us-Shuahada Imam Hussain Radiallahu taala anh

  Khawaja Muinuddin Chisty’s (radiallahu taala anh) powerful verses epitomise the reverence and devotion of Muslims towards Imam Hussain radiallahu taala anh: Shah ast Hussain, Badshah ast Hussain Deen ast Hussain, Deen Panah ast Hussain Sardad na dad dast, dar dast-e-yazeed, Haqaa key binaey La ila ast Hussain   Translation: (Ruler is Hussain, Emperor is […]

Virtues of Sayyid-us-shuhadaa Imam Hussain salaamullah alaihi

Shaykh Jami radiallahu ta’ala anh writes that the Messenger of Allah Prophet Mohammad Alaihissalam was one day seated with Imam Hussain salamuallah alaihi on his right and Ibrahim salamuallah alaihi(Son of prophet alaihissalam) on his left.  Sayyiduna Jibril alaihissalam descended and said to the beloved of Allah Prophet Mohammad alaihissalam that the Lord would not […]

Amirul Mumineen Hadrat Ali Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anhu

Shah-E-Mardaan Shaer-E-Yazdaan Qoowwat-E-Parwardigaar La Fata Illa Ali, La Saif Illa Zulfiqaar BIRTH: Hadrat Ali Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anhu was born on a Friday. Some narrations quote the date as the 13th of Muharram and others state the 13th of Rajab. His birth occurred 30 years after the incident of Feel. He was born inside the Holy […]