Dargah e Gaffaria


Bismillah hirrahman nirraheem

Nahmadahu va nusalli ala rasoolahil kareem

Assalamualikum va rahmatullahi va barakatahu

Most beloved fasts of the Prophet (pbuh) is fasting in the month of Shaban
Narrated Hazrat Aishah(ra);
I asked himself Prophet (pbuh):
“You fast most on the month of Shaban.”
He commanded:
O Aishah! This month is such a month that the names of all people who are going to die in the coming year are given to Azrail (The Angel of Death). I wish, if my name given, I must be in a state of fasting. (Bukhari)
In another narration Hazrat Aishah(ra):
“Shaban was the most beloved month to Allah’s Prophet to fast in it. And he used to fast and connected it with Ramadan.”
(Nasai, Ahmad Bin Hanbal, Bayhaqi, Abu Dawud)


The 15th night of Shabaan is a very blessed night. According to the Hadith Shareef, the name of this Mubarak night is “Nisf Shabaan”which means 15th night of Shabaan. The reason for this special night to attain its name of Laylatul Baraa’ah, meaning the Night of Salvation, Seeking Freedom from Azaab and Calamity, is that in this night the Barkaat and acceptance of repentance may be accomplished. Laylatul Baraa’ah in Persian, as well as in Urdu, is called Shabbe Baraat.

Deeds are lifted up to the Lord of the Worlds
Usama (ra) said:
“O Messenger of Allah, I do not see you fasting in any other month like you fast in Shaban.”
Prophet (pbuh):
“That is a month of which people do not pay attention, between Rajab and Ramadan. In this month deeds are and lifted up and presented to the Lord of the Worlds. I wish my deeds to be lifted up when I am fasting.” (Nasai, Ahmad Bin Hanbal)
Allah (swt) will forgive past sins of him who fasts on Shaban
“When the night of the middle of Shabaan (the night of Baraat) comes, spend the night in pray and spend the day fasting, Allah descends to the lowest Heaven and says, “Is there anyone begging for forgiveness that I might forgive him? Is there anyone begging for sustenance that I may feed him? Is there any such and such?” This goes on until the break of dawn” (Ibn Majah)

On this auspicious night, you should perform fresh Ghusal and Wudhu and perform the two Rakaat of Tahhiyatul Wudhu. In every Rakaat, after the Suratul Fatiha, you should read Ayatul Kursi once and Surah Ahad three times. Also perform eight Rakaats of Salaah with four Salaams. In each Rakaat after the Surah Fatiha, you should read the Ayatul Kursi (once) and Surah Ahad fifty times. 

After sunset, you should recite “La Hawla walaa Quwwata illa Billahil-aliyil Azeem” forty times with three times Durood Shareef before and after. It is mentioned that by reciting this, Almighty Allah will forgive forty years of your sins and forty Hoors will await to serve you in Jannatul Firdous. 

Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has stated: “Verily! Almighty Allah directs His Special Grace on the world on this Night. He forgives my Ummah more than the number of wool that is found on the sheep of the Bani Kalb”. We should remember that in those days the Bani Kalb possessed the most number of sheep that any other tribe. 

How great is the Mercy of Almighty Allah on this night that He forgives millions of Muslims. We also realise from this that these numbers can only pertain to the Ahle Sunnah Wa Jamaah collectively, for the righteous followers of the Hanafi, Shaafi’i, Maaliki and Hambali indeed number millions of Muslims. 

It is narrated that the departed souls (Arwaah) of the Muslims visit the houses of their friends and relatives on this night and proclaim: “O people of the house! You stay in our houses and enjoy the wealth that we have left behind. You use our children and take work from them, please perform our Esaale Sawaab. Verily our deeds have become complete, while your record of deeds is still spread”. 

If the people of the house perform the Esaale Sawaab and Khatam Shareef on this night, then the Arwaah depart will the Sawaab extremely happy and overjoyed all the time making Du’a for the people. 

Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqa (radi Allahu anha) reports: “One night, which was the 15th of Shabaan, I did not find the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) in the house so I went in search of him. After a long search, I found him in Baqiah (the cemetery of Madinah) offering Du’a for the deceased and praying for their forgiveness”. (Baihaqi) 

A special point must be made to visit the cemetery during this night and pray for the deceased buried therein, as the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is been reported as having visited the cemetery on this night and spending a long time therein, lamenting, reading and praying for the deceased. 

According to the Hadith Shareef which is narrated by Ibne Habaan (radi Allahu anhu) that Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said: “When the night of 15th Shabaan arrives spend the night awake and keep fast the next day”. 

Hazrat Abu Hurairah (radi Allahu anhu) reports that the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said often in his Khutba (sermon): “O people! Lighten and cleanse your bodies by way of fasting during Shabaan, so that it shall be easy and helpful to you for the fast during Ramadaan. Whoso fasts for three days during Shabaan, all his past sins are wiped off”. (Baihaqi) Fasting is also recommended on the 13th, 14th and 15th of Shabaan. 

On this night, perform Nawaafil, recite the Quran Shareef, recite abundant Durood Shareef, Istighfaar and Kalima Tayyibah. It is also mentioned that if one reads Surah Dukhaan seven times on this night, Almighty Allah will reward you with 70 worldly needs and 70 deeds for the Hereafter. 


    • SFA
      On 06/07/2012 at 5:06 PM

      masha allah
      bahut khoobsurat bayan hai shab e baraat . allah hama is raat sif mara peer ki khidmat ki thoukheef hai .

    • SFA
      On 26/07/2012 at 7:08 PM

      masha allah
      bahut khoobsurat bayan hai shab e baraat . allah hama is raat sif mara peer ki khidmat ki thoukheef hai .

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