Dargah e Gaffaria

Excellences of Ahle Bayt (Ridhwaan Allah ta ‘ala alaihim ajma’een)

Ihyaa il Mayyit bi Fadhail-e-Ahle Bayt
By Imam Jalaaludin As Suyuti (rh)

In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful
Praise be to Allah and benediction upon those purified personalities who were the chosen ones from all of humanity- Muhammad and Aale Muhammad. This is a collection of sixty traditions and I have given it the title “Ihyaail Mayyit be Fadhail-e-Ahle Bayt” (Excellences of Ahle Bayt (Ridhwaan Allah ta ‘ala alaihim ajma’een) that bring the dead back to life).

By this endeavour the writer’s aim is to awaken the people from their slumber like the revivification of a dry tree. So that, the excellences of Aale Muhammad inculcates in the people love for these noble personages and by following their example they may achieve success in this world as well as the hereafter.

Tradition No. 1
It is recorded in the Sunan of Saeed Ibn Mansoor from Saeed ibne Jubair that, the people whose love has been made obligatory in the Quranic ayat, “Say I do not ask for any recompense for this except the love of my nearest relatives”; are the nearest of the Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.).

Tradition No. 2
It has been recorded in the commentaries of Ibne Mundhir, Ibne Ibi Hatim and Ibne Murduwya; and alsoin the Mojamul Kabir of Tibrani that Ibne Abbas said: “When the verse, ‘Say I do not ask for any recompense for this except the love of my nearest relatives’ was revealed, I asked, ‘O Messenger of Allah who are your nearest relatives whose love is obligatory for us’? The Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.) replied, “Ali, Fatimah, and their two sons.”

Tradition No. 3
Ibn Abi Hatim narrates from Ibne Abbas regarding the ayat of Quran: “…and whoever earns good,” Ibne Abbas said that it refers to those who love Aale Muhammad.”
And it is narrated from Imam Hasan (Karam Allahu wajhahu) that he said, “earning of good is loving us Ahle Bayt (Ridhwaan Allahu ta ‘ala alaihim ajma’een).”It is the honour achieved only through the love and attachment of the Ahle Bayt (Ridhwaan Allahu ta’ala alaihim ajma’een)

Tradition No. 4
Ahmed, Tirmizi, Sehah, Nasai and Hakim have all narrated through Matlab bin Rabi that the Messenger of Allah (Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.) said: “By Allah! Faith cannot enter the heart of anyone if he does not love my nearest relatives for the sake of Allah and for the sake of the nearest relatives.”

Tradition No. 5
Muslim, Tirmizi and Nasai have recorded from Zaid bin Arqam that the Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.) said: “Fear Allah! Beware that you do not distance yourself from my Ahle Bayt.” The same tradition is recorded in Sahih Muslim in the chapter of the excellences of Ali Ibne Abi Talib (Karam Allahu wajhahu). The essenger of Allah (Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.) has repeated the words “Fear Allah” thrice.

Tradition No. 6
Tirmizi, Husna and Al-Hakim record from Zaid bin Arqam that the Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.) said: “I am leaving amongst you those things that if you remain attached to them you will not deviate after me. (they are) The book of Allah and my Progeny, my Ahle Bayt. They will not separate till they reach me at the pool. So be careful how you behave with them (after me).

Tradition 7
Abd bin Hameed has mentioned in his Musnad that Zaid ibne Thabit reported from the Messenger of Allah (Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.): “I leave amongst you those things that if you remain attached with them you will not deviate after me. (They are) the Book of Allah and my Progeny, my Ahle Bayt. They will not separate till they meet me at the Haudh (of Kauthar).

Tradition 8
Ahmad and Abu Yaala relate from Abu Saeed Khudri that the Prophet of Allah remarked: “In the near future I would be summoned by Allah and I would respond. I leave amongst you two weighty things, The Book of Allah and my Progeny, my Ahle Bayt. The All-Aware and the Kind Allah has informed me that these two will not separate till they reach me at the Haudh (Cistern of Kauthar). So take care as to how you behave with them.

Tradition 9
Tirmizi, Husnah and Tibrani quote Ibne Abbas that the Messenger of Allah (Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.) said: “Love Allah for His countless bounties upon you and love me because you love Allah, and my Ahle Bayt because of me. The Messenger of Allah (Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.) also said: “The love of Ahle Bayt Ridhwaan Allahu ta’ala alaihim ajma’een) for a single day is better than a worship of whole year.”

Tradition 10
Bukhari has narrated from Abu Bakr that he said: “Muhammad (Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.) should be considered to belong to his Ahle Bayt (Ridhwaan Allahu ta’ala alaihim ajma’een).”

Tradition 11
Tibrani and Hakim have reported through Ibne Abbas that the Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.) said: “O sons of Abdul Muttalib. I pray to Allah that He maintains and establishes three things among you; that is your ignorant may acquire knowledge, your misguided ones receive guidance and may you be bestowed, generosity, helpfulness and mercy. One who prays and fasts all his life and dies
between Rukn and Maqam, but harbours malice against the Ahle Bayt of Muhammad (Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.) will be made to enter (Hell) Fire.”

Tradition 12
Tibrani has also quoted the Messenger of Allah through Ibne Abbas: “Hatred of Bani Hashim and the Ansar (supporters) is (equivalent to) disbelief and hatred of the Arabs is hypocrisy”.

Tradition 13
Ibne Adi mentions in his book from Abu Saeed Khudri that the Holy Prophet (Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.) said: “One who hates us, the Ahle Bayt, is a hypocrite.”

Tradition 14
Ibne Hayyan records in his Sahih and Hakim has also quoted Abu Saeed that the Prophet (Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.) said: “By the one who controls my life! Whoever hates us, Ahle Bayt (Ridhwaan Allahu ta’ala alaihim ajma’een), will made to enter the fire (of Hell) by Allah.”
Tradition 15
Tibrani mentions that Al-Hasan ibne Ali (Karam Allahu wajhahu) told Moawiya ibne Khudij: “I warn you against hating us, for surely the Messenger of Allah (Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.) has said: “None hates us and none envies us except that he will be chased away from the Haudh (Pool) by maces of fire.”