Dargah e Gaffaria

Category: virtues

Amirul Mumineen Hadrat Ali Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anhu

Shah-E-Mardaan Shaer-E-Yazdaan Qoowwat-E-Parwardigaar La Fata Illa Ali, La Saif Illa Zulfiqaar BIRTH: Hadrat Ali Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anhu was born on a Friday. Some narrations quote the date as the 13th of Muharram and others state the 13th of Rajab. His birth occurred 30 years after the incident of Feel. He was born inside the Holy […]

UMMUL MUMINEEN Bibi KHADIJATUL KUBRA radiallahu ta’ala anha

Hazarat KHADIJA salamulla alaiha is the first wife of Prophet Muhammad alaihissalam. Allama ibn Atheer and Imam Zahabi both state that it is concensus in umah that Bibi KHADIJA radiallahu ta’ala anha was the first person to accept islam and offer solace to sayyiduna Rasoolallah alaihissala when he was opposed by all people in the begining of islam.This […]