Dargah e Gaffaria

Category: Karbala

Virtues of Sayyid-us-shuhadaa Imam Hussain salaamullah alaihi

Shaykh Jami radiallahu ta’ala anh writes that the Messenger of Allah Prophet Mohammad Alaihissalam was one day seated with Imam Hussain salamuallah alaihi on his right and Ibrahim salamuallah alaihi(Son of prophet alaihissalam) on his left.  Sayyiduna Jibril alaihissalam descended and said to the beloved of Allah Prophet Mohammad alaihissalam that the Lord would not […]

Ashura and Martyrdom of Imam HUSSAIN radiallahu taala anh

Significant Events concerning AshurahWith the exception of the Martyrdom of Sayyiduna Imam-e-Hussain (radi Allahu anhu) there are also various other incidents which occurred on Yaum-e-Ashurah. It is also for those reasons that this day has received such excellence. In his internationally renowned Kitaab, “Nuzhatul Majaalis”, Sayyiduna Sheikh Abdur Rahman Safoori (radi Allahu anhu) explains the following important […]