Dargah e Gaffaria

Category: Imam ali (rz)

Ashura and Martyrdom of Imam HUSSAIN radiallahu taala anh

Significant Events concerning AshurahWith the exception of the Martyrdom of Sayyiduna Imam-e-Hussain (radi Allahu anhu) there are also various other incidents which occurred on Yaum-e-Ashurah. It is also for those reasons that this day has received such excellence. In his internationally renowned Kitaab, “Nuzhatul Majaalis”, Sayyiduna Sheikh Abdur Rahman Safoori (radi Allahu anhu) explains the following important […]

Self Control or Bravery

Hadees: SELF-CONTROL AT THE TIME OF ANGER: # Abu Huraira radiallahu taala anh reported: I heard Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: One is not strong because of one’s wrestling skillfully. They said: Allah’s Messenger, then who is strong? He said: He who controls his anger when he is in a fit of […]