Dargah e Gaffaria

Category: HADITH


With the blessings of His Holiness Peeromurshid Syedi Alshaik Zahiruddin sha kha dri, Barsi shareef of Hazarath Syedi Abdul gaffar sha kha dri rahamtulla alaihi was held grandly. With regard to Prophet Yahya alaihissalam , Allah subahana vataala  says “Peace Be Upon Him on the day he was born, and on the day he died and on the […]

interesting pictures in urs 2010

Beutifully decorated Darga-e-Gaffaria  nice shopping stolls viz toys, crockery, grcocery, sweet stalls, giant wheels can also be seen

MILAD AL NABI (alaihissalam ) at DARGA-E-GAFFARIA.

Assalamualikum.  All Praise is due to Allah Jalla Jalaalahu, abundant and countless of Durood and Salaams upon the beloved and most Noblest of Messengers, Hadrat Muhammad Mustapha Sallal laahu Alaihi Wa Sallam as long as days and nights remain. . On this auspicious occasion, Khatme quran shareef, Darood khwani and Khasaaid khani were held at […]


PLACING FLOWERS AND SHEETS ON AND BRIGHTENING THE GRAVES There are three topics to this discussion, 1. Placing flowers on the graves of Saints (Mazaars). 2. Spreading sheets (ghilaafs) over them. 3. Illuminating the area. The Ulama of the Ahle-Sunnat rule that it is permissible to place flowers on the grave of every Mu’min, irrespective […]

Article about darga in newspaper

A brief article about darga-e-gaffaria, is published today in sakhshi newspaper dated 17/2/2010.link http://epaper.sakshi.com/epapermain.aspxanyone welcome to translate, which will be posted later. pass your comments.

Significance of Ashura and Imam Hussain radiallahu taala anh

The conventional meaning of Ashura in the Shariah refers to the 10th of Muharram-ul-Haraam. In his distinguished book, “Ghuniyatut Taalibeen”, Sayyiduna Ghaus-ul-Azam, Sheikh Abdul Qaadir Jilani (radi Allahu anhu) writes that the Ulema have a difference of opinion, as to why this day is known as Ashura. Since the reason has been explained in various […]

Aesale-thawab or Fatiha proof from Quran and Ahadees

Esal e Sawab or Fatiha is nothing other than to ask Allah subhanavataala for the forgiveness of our sins, and to raise the spiritual status of the deceased. This may be achieved through various practices, such as the offering of du’as [supplications], to recite the Qur’an, to offer Qurbani [at Eid al Adha], and also, […]